Monday, April 2, 2007

Faith and The Planet

The relationship between faith and Out of the Silent Planet was definetly mentioned. The main character Ransom gets kidnapped by these two gentlemen one of whom is a scientist. They want to use him for an experiment. He fights to get away from them but the drink knocks him out. The kidnap him and put him in this tiny room on the spaceship to Malacandra. When he wakes up he realizes that he unsuccessful and begins to loose faith that he will ever get away.



el_rey said...

what up mandy,
I think you did a good job on posting what Mr. Nail told us to do. Besides to the infinite amount of errors, it was so good that I'm going give you a question. Did the people who kidnapped Ramson leave him to die? What ever happened to him???

mISTERnAIL said...

i am interested in what you see after this. especially, does this instance of faith (or lack thereof) effect ransom in any significant way? is he prone to self-defeat?

Mandy better than a g-ma said...

Well Rey,

I havent gotten that far yet. I can tell by the way its going that I wont find out until the very end.

Mr. Nail,
I dont really understand your question. Sorry :(