Sunday, April 1, 2007

How would you feel????

Wow, I dont know how I would react if something like that happened. If scientists actually had proof that the supernova happened around 2,000 years ago which is when the baby Jesus was born, and they believe that the north star was actually the bright light of the planet being destroyed, I would be very confused. I believe I would still believe in Christianity but it would be very hard. I would probably feel the way the Jesuit did. I usually dont believe in science or theories such as the Big Bang Theroy but if that actually did happen, I would be very tempted to think otherwise.


Kristen said...

Your post was very compelling. We're definitely on the same page with this issue. I was almost hesitant to express how I felt after reading this story because I thought people would look down on me for even thinking about questioning my own faith. But I said hell with it and typed away... I'm glad to see that someone else is thinking along the same lines as me. So did you question your own faith after reading the story or are you saying that you would if this story was a reality?

Liz's Blog said...

You say you don't believe in science or theories. Do science classes conflict with your religion? How do you explain the way things are?

Mandy better than a g-ma said...

Hey guys,
So kristin, to answer your question, No, I would not question my own faith because I am a firm believer in Christ. Scientist can find "evidence" for anything these days and I would have a hard time believing that especially considering how much I believe in God. And Liz, to answer your questions, Sometimes science classes to conflict with my views but I am definetly not an argumentive person. I just let the teacher teach and at the end of the day I pray to my heavenly father. If you believe in Christ everything you need to know is in the Good Book. And yeah, there are some things that I cant explain but God does have a reason for them and you just have to have faith even though the world can be a very corrupt.
So yeah, I do not mean to shove my religion down your neck I am just answering ya'lls questions. Thanks :)