Thursday, April 5, 2007

Star Wars

Ok, so I'll be honest. I dont really understand this blog assignment. But I will try my best. So basically this movie has the typical hollywood plot. You've got the bad guy which is Darth Vader and his minions and then you've got the good guys which would be Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker. And then you've got the typical themes such as good vs. evil. You've got Luke and his crew are fighting to save the galaxy from Darth Vader. Man vs. nature would be a good theme to bring up because when Luke and the crew were on the Ice Planet of Hoth, Luke especially had to escape from the ice monster and then had to try to survive in the freezing temperatures. Another theme man vs. machine. Darth Vader, for example, is beginning to become more and more like a machine now that he had lived with the suit (life support) for so long. He would also be a good example of man vs. himself because he is slowly loosing his soul due to his 1/2 machine 1/2 human body. So even though he is fighting the galaxy he is also fighting himself. Thats about all I've got for ya'll today.



mISTERnAIL said...

looks like you understood it fine to me!

Jenni said...

yes i agree...for not thinking u understood it you did a good job of explaning the story!