The story begins with the main character named Ransom who goes hiking through the English Midlands. He comes to a place that he thinks will have sleeping accomadations for him. The woman says that she wants him to go find her son for her. He ends up running into Devine and Weston. Divine is an old school mate of his and he dislikes him. The drug his drink and take him aboard a spaceship to Malacandra.
Initial Conflict:
When he hears Devine and Weston discussing what they will do with him once they get to Malacandra, he decides to escape when they arrive.
Once Ransom escaped, he meets a very smart hrossa (named Hyoi) who lets him live in his village for several months. Since his is a prof. of philology, he is able to learn a bit of their language. He also discovers that the reason for Divine's motivation is what they call "suns blood" which on earth is called gold.
The hrossa like Ransom alot and ask him to join them in a hunt for a hnakra, which is a dangerous water predator. During this fight, Divine and Weston shoot Hyoi and kill him. He runs away from them and runs into a sorn. They are actually really peaceful and it takes him to Oyarsa. Oyarsa only wants to speak with him. Divine and Weston are brought in because they have killed 3 hyrossa.
Oyarsa gets mad at Divine and Weston and says they must go back to earth. Ransom likes Malacandra but he really misses earth so he decides to go back.
Falling Action:
Soon after they return to earth the ship "unbodies". He believes that his trip really did happen and tries to stop Weston from trying anything else.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
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